Package For Better Health
Wellness Screening
- WBC With Differential Count
- Haemoglobin
- Platelet Count

- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- Creatinine
- Urea
- Calcium
- Phosphate
- Uric Acid

- Total Protein
- Albumin
- Globulin
- A/G Ratio
- Total Bilirubin
- Direct Indirect Bilirubin

- Total Cholesterol
- Triglyceride
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- Chol/HDL Ratio
- Non-HDL

- Glucose
- Hba1c

- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

- T3

- T4

- HBsAg

- HBsAb

- Hepatitis C Anti- HCV

- CEA - Colorectal Cancer

- AFP - Liver Cancer

- CA19.9 - Pancreatic Cancer

- PSA - Prostate Cancer

- CA125 - Ovarian Cancer

- CA15.3 - Breast Cancer

- Height
- Weight
- Blood Pressure
- Temperature

- Electrocardiogram (ECG)

- Treadmill ECG Stress Test

- Ultrasound Breast
- Mammogram
Hip & Spine Bone Density Test (DEXA)

What to bring (if applicable)
 Identity Card (IC)
 Letter of Guarantee (if bill to company)
Call us at least two (2) working days before, for an appointment. Please arrive in the hospital by 8.30am in order to ensure your health screening process is conducted effectively, smoothly & timely.
Health Screening Operation Hours on
Mon – Fri (8.30am – 4.30pm)
Saturday (8.30am – 1pm)
Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays.
You are requested to fast from 10pm onwards, the night before the health screening appointment. The purpose of fasting is to achieve accurate results for your blood tests.
 Only plain water is allowed.
 You are also advised to postpone any routine morning medication until after your blood sample is taken.
 Kindly inform our staff during registration should you have any health problem.
 If you are for Exercise Stress Test, you need to wear suitable exercise outfit. Avoid of having a heavy meal before undergoing the stress test.
Advice For Ladies
 For Urine Test & PAP Smear, it is advisable to book your appointment around day 10-14 of your menstrual cycle. This is about one week after your last day of menstruation.
 If you are menstruating on the day of your appointment, please call us to reschedule your appointment.
 During registration, kindly inform us if you are pregnant or suspected to be pregnant as X-ray and Mammogram are not recommended for those who is pregnant.