Anaemia in children is a common condition that occurs when a child has a lower than normal level of red blood cells, or haemoglobin, in their blood. Understanding the causes, signs, and available treatments for this condition is crucial because it can result in a variety of symptoms and health issues.
What are the causes of anaemia in a child?
Iron deficiency anaemia can be caused by:
- Nutritional deficiencies. Children who don’t get enough iron, folate, or vitamin B12 in their diets can develop anaemia.
- Gastrointestinal tract problems. The upper small intestine is where most of the iron is absorbed when you eat meals containing iron. Any GI tract abnormalities could affect iron absorption.
- Blood loss. Iron levels might drop as a result of blood loss. Menstrual bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, and injury are only a few examples of blood loss causes.
- Inherited disorders. Some children are born with genetic disorders that affect their ability to produce red blood cells, such as sickle cell disease and thalassaemia.
What are the symptoms of anaemia?
The symptoms of anaemia in children can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Some common symptoms include:
- Fatigue: The most prominent anaemia symptom is fatigue, which is the sense of being too exhausted to manage your activities.
- Shortness of breath (dyspnea): The inability to take a deep breath or catch one’s breath.
- Dizziness: This is characterised by feeling faint or unsteady on your feet.
- Arrhythmia: A fast or irregular heartbeat that causes the child to feel as if their heart is racing or skipping beats.
- Pale skin: They may have paler-than-normal skin.
What to do to prevent anaemia in children?
Some types of anaemia are inherited and incurable. A common type of anaemia called iron deficiency anaemia can be avoided by ensuring your child consumes enough iron in their diet. How to do it:
- Breastfeed your baby if possible. The breastmilk will provide adequate iron for him or her.
- Feed your child iron-rich foods. When your child starts eating solids, pick foods that are rich in iron. These include egg yolks, red meats, potatoes, tomatoes, raisins, and grains and cereals with added iron.
- Regular checkups. Keeping up with regular well-child checkups to monitor for signs of anemia.
When to see a Paediatrician?
- If you observe that your child is exhibiting any anaemic signs, go straight to seek for a paediatrician right away. Additionally, if your child hasn’t had anaemia tested, discuss the possibility with the doctor.